Monday, April 21, 2008

Betting for Better Health in Bolivia (Part 1)

As some of you may know I am doing a triathlon May 18th in Auburn, California in order to raise money for the Rio Beni Health Project in the rainforest of Bolivia’s Upper Amazon Basin. I will be traveling to Bolivia to support the project at the end of June with a group of middle school students as part of the Educational Safari’s El Puente 2008: Walk for a Reason. The goal for the team is to raise $75,000 to support the project for a full year of operation.

I know that just donating money is no fun, so I thought I would sweeten the deal by making it a betting pool. What are you betting on? My ability to do the triathlon in a reasonable amount of time without dying. Basically, place a bet on the time you think it will take me to do 1.5k swim, 40k bike, and 10k run (roughly 1mile, 25miles, and 6miles).

So, I do the swimming, biking, running and sweating (and limping…the running is killing me people!) and you donate some money, perhaps even win some money, and feel great about doing it. I can't do this alone. I really need your help so please donate whatever you can and tell your friends.


Email me the time you think it will take for me to do all 3 legs collectively, and I will let you know whether or not that time has been taken by another better. Once your bet is approved, send in your donation to confirm your bet. Each bet is a $10 minimum.

Times selected must be at least 1 minute apart. The time closest (up or down) will win. Ties will be settled either by splitting the pool, or flipping a coin.
There will be one winner who will receive 10% of the amount raised in the pool (with a max win of $200). The winnings will not be taken from the amount raised…so all money raised goes directly to the project!

HOW TO DONATE: There are Three ways you can donate the money.

Cash: If you work with me or live near me and just want to drop by with cash, it will be accepted. Make sure, though, you had it to me directly so I can confirm your bet.

Check: Donations are tax-deductible through Direct Relief International. Make the check out to Direct Relief International, but make sure to designate Netzer-Brady International on check memo in order for the funding to be attributed to the Rio Beni Health Project. The check can then be sent to: Direct Relief International 27 S La Patera, Santa Barbara, 93117.

Online: Go to Again, make sure to designate Netzer-Brady International in the ORGANIZATION field on the webpage in order for the funding to be attributed to the Rio Beni Health Project.


In order to help you make your bet, here’s an idea of my speed (or lack there of). In the pool I can swim a mile in about 32 minutes; however I will be swimming in a lake (which I’ve never done) that may be 10 degrees colder than the pool I’ve been training in. I will have a wetsuit, but this means I actually have no idea how well my pool time will translate to the open water swim.

As for the biking…on the stationary bike at the gym I can do the 25 miles in about 1 hour 15 minutes. And I run an 11minute/mile. However, the bike and the run will be VERY hilly, and the triathlon will be in Auburn, CA, which is at a MUCH higher altitude than DC. This is all to say, I have no idea how long it will really take me to bike and run. Overall, we are looking at times anywhere from 2 hours and 50 minutes to 5 hours and 30 minutes. So really, none of this information is all that helpful. Good luck with your bet! For more information about the triathlon, go to and click on "Cytomax Auburn International Triathlon".


The Rio Beni Health Project represents a long-term commitment towards strengthening the health care delivery system in the rainforest of northwest Bolivia through the provision of mobile clinics and health education and training. The people who live in this region historically have had little to no access to health services. This project is conducted in close collaboration with national and local health authorities and is designed to expand both prevention activities and much needed medical care. For additional information about the project, and about Educational Safari’s, go to The Rio Beni Health Project’s, website and that of the newly formed non-profit managing the work and working with local Bolivian team--Netzer-Brady International--is in the design stages. Once that site is up and running, I will share it with you.


Good question. Educational Safaris was started by my middle school math and social studies teachers, John Boettner and Jim Brady. Jim took me, along with three other middle schoolers, to England for a 2 week bike expedition. I was only eleven. It was the most profound experience of my life, and was the foundation for much of my interest in travel, going to college in Scotland, and, subsequently, international development. It was such an amazing experience, that I thought I would do it again. That, and it's Bolivia Baby!

Educational Safari’s has come a long way, though, since I participated originally. Through the years, nearly 100 middle schoolers have benefited from Educational Safari’s. And now, it’s not just for kids any more. They have adults, as well as college students and high school ages who have gone. If these adventures sound like something you’d be interested in…check it out!

1 comment:

Capt. Splash on Ice said...

you decided to keep your blog a secret, huh? Well, it didn't work :-)

Hope you add some more stuff to it!

Capt Splash