Monday, April 28, 2008

Betting for Better Health in Bolivia (Part 2)

(Originally Posted April 24, 2008)
Quick update: It looks like our betters so far have a varying faith in my abilities. Those who know me seem to think I'll rocket to the finish line. Those who know triathlons are a bit more realistic, but still seem to be giving me the benefit of the doubt. That is more than I'll say for my mother who, after seeing the course last week, mentioned to me that perhaps I should add the option of whether I will actually finish*. Thanks, Mom! No really, Dad concurs**. So, those of you who are hesitating in making a bet because you felt the betting range I gave of "2hrs, 50min" to "5hrs 30mins" did not adequately reflect your inclinations of betting a time of: "dropped dead at mile marker 4"***... you now have that option.

Thank you to those of you who have already bet and provided non-betting donations. We have 9 bets so far, and looking for more!


* Mom is no longer invited for x-mas.
** Neither is dad.
*** Dad suggests I also allow mile marker 3, 2, and perhaps 1. Unrelated...does anyone have brochures on old folk homes?

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