Sunday, May 11, 2008

Betting for Better Health in Bolivia (Part 3)

This is the last report before the big race. I did a mock triathlon this morning...mile swim, 22 miles bike, 6 miles run...and I'm happy to say that I did NOT drop dead at mile marker 4. I almost did at mile marker 5, I was quite delusional at mile marker 3, and I may have bribed a small child to push me up a hill at mile marker 2.* In the end, though, it may not have been pretty, but I finished and then collapsed in a pile of sweat.**

So next weekend is the big event. If you were interested in betting but were consulting astrologers or quantum physicists to determine the most accurate prediction for your bet but their analyses are not in yet....never have until Tuesday, May 13th at 5 pm EST to let me know your bet. Since I'm out of the office all next week, you can either provide a donation online, or hand me check or cash on Tuesday, May 20th when I return.

There will be more opportunities, however, to support the Rio Beni Health project after this event. This was just one of a series of fundraising fun I have planned.*** For now, I must concentrate on getting the feeling back in my legs before the actual race.

Deséeme la suerte!

* I will not confirm nor deny the bribing of small children.
** ewww...didn't need that visual, did you.
*** And by "planned" I mean not planned. More like knowing that I need to come up with some more fun fundraising ideas, but haven't yet. Give me a break. I've been swimming and running and biking for the past 3 months!

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